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Bookkeeping-Payroll-Sales Tax Prep and Filing
As a certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, I provide services that free up your time to focus on the growth of your business. Click on the link below to see current package options or give us a call to discuss individualized pricing.
Choose a module
We offer an alternative to the norm of strategic planning; more than an invigorating event that aligns your workforce, more than a day to generate a punch list of activities adding work to your already overloaded staff. We provide a systematic, repeatable process whereby your staff can identify the opportunities and threats that exist today, prioritize them based upon established criteria, and then refine the normal punch list to the critical few elements that will yield the most productive outcome.
Select the module that best fits your needs—jump in where you feel the greatest gap exists:
Module 1: Typically for newer organizations, or organizations impacted by extreme change, we help you refine or update your business plan and clarify why and how you conduct business within a specified marketplace.
Module 2: It’s beyond the SWOT, beyond brainstorming and creating lists of tasks that others must accomplish while lacking resources to do so. Our systematic approach uses industry-proven tools to identify the critical few things to action now. It identifies necessary resources available and then ensures that you aren’t exhausting those resources beyond capabilities.
Module 3: Being allowed to focus on the few most critical items, we assist you with creating goals and SMART objectives that will measure your progress toward a visionary outcome and reward the positive impacts of your workforce.
Our unique approach enables the workforce to better understand the business environment, enables them to perform a few critical things with excellence while maintaining daily operations within the resources available, and most importantly, take pride in the measured impacts of their contribution.
Build In Efficiency
Knowing the current business culture is critical when matching the proper tool to the need. We apply practices that improve or restructure a business process that is failing to achieve the desired outcome. Having practice in multiple environments such as administrative, human resource processes, and manufacturing/production, we can help your team improve results.
Our intent is to come alongside your workforce sharing the tools necessary for improvement. By expanding the knowledge of your workforce, we strive to ensure that continuous improvement becomes engrained within your organization.
Examining the Organization as a System
Specializing in a systems-based approach to organizational health, we come alongside our customers with the necessary human and intellectual capital to facilitate an evidence-based assessment using the industry proven Baldrige Excellence Framework. (TM) We then aid in arranging activities that help take the next step towards sustainability and the organization's visionary outcome by designing services that are responsive, flexible and at times, transformational.
"Baldrige is a nonprescriptive framework that empowers your organization to reach its goals, improve results, and become more competitive." Baldrige Excellence Framework. 2021. We enhance your staff's understanding of the organization utilizing three different approaches, tailoring each to the level of development and commitment that you desire:
Level 1: Complete an Organizational Profile.
Level 2: Complete the Baldrige Excellence Builder
Level 3: Complete an overall organizational assessment using the Baldrige Excellence Framework (TM)
We can also assist you in participating in the Wisconsin Forward Awards Program that can:
o Increase your leadership team's knowledge of the organization
o Broaden your staff's understanding of the concepts and principles that enable some of America's most productive companies
o Aid you in leveraging current best practices being used by other organizations in the state.
o Bring statewide recognition to your organization